Our Direct Benefits

Our Direct Current (DC) Power Systems deliver the most innovative and dependable network-power applications, with an un-paralleled breadth of intelligently engineered Direct Current power, distribution, control, and monitoring systems.


Power Control and Monitoring Solutions

Our exceptional solutions include Power Control and Monitoring prevent predictable failures, that help optimize the life of your power system, automate maintenance routines to enable substantial cost savings.

Power Distribution units

Our extraordinary and innovative Power Distribution units not only maintain and ensure power, but also enable us to support and overcome all IT infrastructure challenges. We provide agile, safe, efficient Power distribution system for effective and exquisite IT equipment in any size data center or high-density zone.


The Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) is a powerful tool to run any Data Center in the most efficient way. It collects data and inputs from all the parts of your infrastructure and gives you an overall view of your IT facility assets at real time. It also gives the administrator the capability to monitor and control the Data Center performance and energy consumption.

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